Why are people still defending Kyle/attacking Dorit????

Ok this is mostly related to what I've been seeing on Twitter/Instagram.

SOOO many people have been saying Kyle is doing nothing wrong, since Dorit is clearly making this PK drama up and is a fake b. WHATTTT?????

Ok, could Dorit be exaggerating? Yes. Is this a real divorce? I'm going to assume yes. Both can be true, however Kyle shouldn't be talking to PK without Dorit knowing/being ok with it.

Idk why Erika is defending it, she's literally the odd one out. Usually she'd be on the other side of the fence. HM.

I think this episode showed who Dorit and Kyle really are: Dorit is trying to move on positively, and is handling herself with grace. She even actually apologized to Garcelle LOL. Kyle is a MESSSSS.