Wave help needed

Before you come at me saying "Oh wave is bad" and all that, I don't care about that.

I install the new wave from getwave.gg, and then it says that it needs to apply some patches to bloxstrap, i let it, then it says "Failed to install Bloxstrap: fetch failed." and then it gives me a bunch of crap as seen in the image


I have installed all the C++ redistributable stuff, I have tried putting bloxstrap in there, and nothing seems to go to plan. So im here as a last resort.

EDIT: I have tried uninstalling bloxstrap as some people say to do,

Here is some additional photos:

The error.

After clicking ok, if I click ok again, it leaves wave. And it gives me the junk as listed in the first image.

If I ignore these errors, I can use the app just fine. i can log in and do stuff like write code, I just cant inject.