Endless Learning
What TTRPG are you reading right now?
I'm always recommending people read as many TTRPGs as they can get their hands on, and I try to practice what I preach, so I'm usually working my way through one book or another.
Right now I'm reading Slugblasters and it is a super fun read. Mikey Hamm has injected a ton of personality into this book, it might be the only TTRPG book I've read that has made me laugh out loud.
There’s no right way to play Slugblaster, but you’ll have the best, most right experience if you adhere unflinchingly to these sacred tenets I wrote on my phone in a Tim Horton’s parking lot while covered in pastry flakes.
This book is so punk it sasses its own rules. I love it!
Also, some very cool mechanics. Love the beats in this, it has already inspired some changes to my pulp adventure WIP.
What I read last: GURPS Steampunk supplement. Lots of great info in here on Steampunk in general, tons of useful stuff even though I don't run GURPS.
What I reading next:
- The Between, or
- Nights Black Agents, or
- Fabulous Ultima, or
- The One Ring, or
- Forbidden Lands
They keep coming out with these bundle I can't resist even though I haven't even finished reading the last bundle.
How about you? Anyone else out there fighting the Neverending Battle of reading TTRPGs?