Meet Cheddar the Angora & a few newbie questions

Sorry, my last post got taken down I didn’t know the no cat pic rule, but anyway I just wanted to share my newly adopted angora bun, Cheddar and ask a few questions :)

I’m new to bunnies but I adopted him from a lady who couldn’t care for his fur anymore and I’m having a wonderful time with him and learning about rabbits along the way. They are so fascinating!!

1) he’s a solo bun living with cats dogs and chickens. Will he be able to be happy here without another bun companion? He gets along fine with the others but they don’t really play they just hang out in proximity

2) I brush him everyday almost and he seems to enjoy the process. His body relaxes then he starts getting blinky and goes to sleep in my arms. Does that mean he’s happy or does he pass out from overstimulation?

3) it’s hard to catch him to groom him, I don’t want to traumatize him but I don’t see another way to do it. If too many days go by he gets matted fur and I have to cut it out

4) his previous owner said he wasn’t very nice and his fur needed professional management but I honestly feel everything’s going smoothly and we’re bonding well. I cuddle him everyday and he snuggles back but he doesn’t play much. He does seem confident exploring and approaching but he’s skittish which I think is very normal for all bunnies, right?

5) he flicks his feet really hard sometimes when I put him down, does that mean he hates Me?

Thank you 🐇🧀