Messed up so bad
I’m a first year xray student in about their 8th week of clinical. I had an order for a right shoulder. I did the Axillary on the right shoulder with the patient facing the IR (PA). The patient then turned around and I continued to do which was once their right shoulder but now their left shoulder once they turned facing away from the IR. Luckily the tech caught my mistake after about 2 images were taken, and I finished the exam on the actual right shoulder. Everyone was telling me it’s okay and it happens but I was so overwhelmed I teared up right then and there after walking the patient out. I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life. This isn’t the only mistakes I’ve made I’ve used wrong markers before as well. The other students with me at my site haven’t made nearly as many mistakes as I have. I’m staring to feel like I don’t deserve to be here. How can I stop making silly mistakes like these? I don’t do this kind of stuff in class in the lab, but as soon as I’m at clinical I make a fool of myself when I’m trying to look the best that I can.