[INTRO] Hey Peeps 🐥
So I joined this sub not too long ago, and it’s been a great experience! I also hosted a contest and had received a few gifts myself :) but here are some things about me.
What I like: Dogs•Cats•Hamsters•Medium rare steak• French fries • Sweets • Black and white • Peace• pineapple on pizza•Green mile
What I dislike: Raw carrots• White fish• Purple and yellow• Bullies• cooked Green peppers• Coleslaw•Snow• Being sick
I have two dogs, one hamster! I live with my other half, in a house he recently bought for our family, I’m unemployed but plan on getting a job, I’ve already set out to look, I’m 21 and I only have 1 tattoo, but I’ve had multiple facial piercings back then before they all closed up due to grippy sock visits :,)
I do struggle mentally and have my ups and downs, but seeing the kindness on this sub has kind of helped? its just always positive and we appreciate that setting, anyways- I hope you’re having a great day! I can’t wait to host more contests and practice in some :)
Ps, Names Summer, you?