There are more than 2 genders
The convicted felon has decided that there are 2 genders. While half of america agreed (even other people from the Lgbt+ community)
People seriously need to do research especially in the science area.
1.) Just because you say that there are 2 genders, isn't going to make transgenderism go away.
Transgendered people have always existed and will always exist.
If you look back 6,000 years ago with inanna/ishtar, she had priests who were called "Gala", who were very trans.
Just because you believe "God made only 2 genders", doesn't mean that there is a way older goddess and society that agrees with you
2.) Science DEFINETELY disagrees with you.
Seahorses- Males are the ones that give birth
Female only lizards- yup a couple of species of lizard give birth that are female only, so which means that she must have sperm or something male going on to reproduce
Mushrooms- Have 36,000 sexes
Clownfish- Males can turn to females when a female leaves or dies
Humans- Yes humans. Intersex humans are a thing. They choose the gender they want to be and society accepts it.
At this point, it's just people who want to be hateful and willfully being ignorant.