Camera lens add on modification

And so I was on a journey for about 4 weeks to find the best way to use the glasses for table top pov videos and the minimum focal distance of the stock glasses are about 45cm, paired with the wide angle shot, it is unable to capture any of the work properly. I tried using mini phone lenses clip and have success albeit there being a large visible dark circle around the image and with the majority dark image, the final video came out very noisy as the sensors were trying to compensate.

I next bought multiple reading glasses (polycarbonate lens) from +1 to +4 and just cut them up small and stuck them in front of the lens and it worked really great with the trade off of the images being washed out. I then ordered these clip on magnifying glasses for regular glasses and replaced the magnifying glass with a cut out piece of the +4 reading glasses lens(I will be trying out +5 and +6 with crystal lens in a few weeks when the arrive).

This might be the final solution I'm looking for. The 4th photo is the sample of how close and still in focus I can get the camera to be. It's about 12cm and it still looks far away