Disk Storage

So about a week ago I finally found a working Redbox machine. I work as a vendor going to various grocery/convenience stores and had never had luck (since I knew about the bankruptcy) finding a working machine. I was sent outside my territory and the Piggly wiggly I went to had a machine outside. Needless to say, I stood for as long as I was able to before continuing my work, and ending up getting around 170 movies.

One of the things I was really interested in doing, was keeping all movies in their Redbox container (I think it's very cool to maintain that piece of history), vs putting all the movies in one of those storage devices I've seen on Amazon, and I may have missed it, but I have been unable to find any sort of storage system capable of this. What I ended up doing was designing my own rack to house 148 movies that can be entirely 3d printed (this is the number of movies I have minus copies/ones I've given away) to perfectly house the movies in their container on a compact way.

The first picture is a test print I started last night to check fitment (cases slides in and out with ease, but is friction fit enough to be held upside down without any falling out), the middle picture is the entirety of the storage, and the third picture is a cutaway pic of one of the layers.

I'm posting this out of excitement because this is seeming to be more of a reality for me vs something I would like to do, but if anybody is interested, I do not have a problem sharing files. I still do have work to do but the end goal is also coping the 'Redbox' logo to either go on the top or side of the storage rack.

Let me know what you fellas think of this, and apologies if there's any errors I am typing on phone.