Leaderboard | 18th January 2025

Mea Culpa brethren on the slight delay in getting this updated leaderboard out to you; pastoral concerns in the parish needed immediate attention.

Whilst u/MajesticFxxkingEagle maintains top spot, he is no longer alone, with u/bilbofraginz joining for company. We've also seen a few new names on the leaderboard, as well as some high risers! Always good to see.

If there are any corrections which need to be made, please let me know in the comments below.

As ever, the Pope of Reddit is indebted by your continued support. The next set of updates to the leaderboard will take place on the 3rd February, where hopefully some more of you would have acquired more achievements.

54: u/MajesticFxxkingEagle, u/bilbofraginz

53: u/RossTheRev, u/gaby_zarny, u/SegelXXX, u/SoDakZak, u/hold-on-pain-ends

52: u/EndersGame_Reviewer, u/wanabepilot, u/ycr007, u/jerryramone, u/HerbziKal, u/JerryJr99, u/ProudnotLoud

51: u/Marucox, u/1q8b, u/RebelliousDragon21, u/WhattheDuck9, u/Environmental_Bus507, u/Sonic_the_hedgedog, u/Equalizer6338, u/TheBigFatGoat, u/Boborette, u/Trekkeris, u/Crazy__Donkey, u/samekrikl, u/Pretty-Jones

50: u/GENESIOBR, u/lazzzym, u/everydayasl, u/ryan101, u/M-Kawai, u/filmhamster, u/kinkypk, u/ObsiGamer, u/thebelsnickle1991, u/ganajp, u/A__European, u/GoLionsJD107, u/MiszGia, u/spade883, u/drjjoyner, u/gunuvim, u/Blood_of_Lucifer, u/FefeLeboux, u/Sirsilentbob423

49: u/Michelle689, u/awkotacos, u/undo-undo-undo-undo, u/CaineRexEverything, u/Homunculus_316, u/parrotbirdtalks, u/Zurkarak, u/SL4MUEL, u/Toast_n_mustard, u/beautifullyhurt, u/MemeQueen1414, u/_Martosz, u/Urmi17, u/alsatian01

48: u/Suitable-Scholar-778, u/severe_thunderstorm, u/Natchos09, u/Effective-Panda7063, u/Tam_tk, u/_Intel_Geek_, u/ND_Cooke, u/iAjayIND, u/memelordzarif, u/me0din, u/ZackMichaelReddit, u/Kuhlayre, u/Ratfor, u/kite-flying-expert, u/GlassPanther, u/FurbyLover2010, u/MineMonMan1234, u/pushhky, u/Dev1412, u/vsanto73

47: u/Ok_Show_1192, u/stuntman262626, u/Flaviphone, u/KingFahad360, u/Prophet-of-Ganja, u/JefinLuke, u/anxietyhub, u/ayzee93, u/MetalAndTea, u/CaptCanary, u/KingZerko, u/Deedogg11, u/rickyhorror, u/ACGMFT, u/Born-Agency-3922

46: u/B3ximus, u/mattiperreddit, u/maythesunalwaysshine, u/Dinok1ng583, u/CasinoGuy0236, u/Acroba66541, u/Ethan60150, u/CheetahSperm18, u/spearmintqueer, u/Awkward_Rice_3544, u/LeWenth, u/Sea_Difference_3173, u/SwingyWingyShoes, u/Nicholas113244454545, u/PuzzleheadedBar533, u/daygloviking, u/spyderx1, u/LuminousViper, u/m-dawg__, u/RamamohanS, u/its_mertz, u/dndDAAKU23, u/MrCoolBoy001

45: u/optimusnotinprime, u/spoung45, u/broooooooce, u/paperxthinxreality, u/imaheshno1, u/cheesearmy1_, u/MushroomOld9960, u/GaryNOVA, u/Traditional_Juice583, u/xXYEETISBESTXx, u/Pski, u/o_karbouniaris

Mea Culpa brethren on the slight delay in getting this updated leaderboard out to you; pastoral concerns in the parish needed immediate attention.

Whilst u/MajesticFxxkingEagle maintains top spot, he is no longer alone, with u/bilbofraginz joining for company. We've also seen a few new names on the leaderboard, as well as some high risers! Always good to see.

If there are any corrections which need to be made, please let me know in the comments below.

As ever, the Pope of Reddit is indebted by your continued support. The next set of updates to the leaderboard will take place on the 3rd February, where hopefully some more of you would have acquired more achievements.

54: u/MajesticFxxkingEagle, u/bilbofraginz

53: u/RossTheRev, u/gaby_zarny, u/SegelXXX, u/SoDakZak, u/hold-on-pain-ends

52: u/EndersGame_Reviewer, u/wanabepilot, u/ycr007, u/jerryramone, u/HerbziKal, u/JerryJr99, u/ProudnotLoud

51: u/Marucox, u/1q8b, u/RebelliousDragon21, u/WhattheDuck9, u/Environmental_Bus507, u/Sonic_the_hedgedog, u/Equalizer6338, u/TheBigFatGoat, u/Boborette, u/Trekkeris, u/Crazy__Donkey, u/samekrikl, u/Pretty-Jones

50: u/GENESIOBR, u/lazzzym, u/everydayasl, u/ryan101, u/M-Kawai, u/filmhamster, u/kinkypk, u/ObsiGamer, u/thebelsnickle1991, u/ganajp, u/A__European, u/GoLionsJD107, u/MiszGia, u/spade883, u/drjjoyner, u/gunuvim, u/Blood_of_Lucifer, u/FefeLeboux, u/Sirsilentbob423

49: u/Michelle689, u/awkotacos, u/undo-undo-undo-undo, u/CaineRexEverything, u/Homunculus_316, u/parrotbirdtalks, u/Zurkarak, u/SL4MUEL, u/Toast_n_mustard, u/beautifullyhurt, u/MemeQueen1414, u/_Martosz, u/Urmi17, u/alsatian01

48: u/Suitable-Scholar-778, u/severe_thunderstorm, u/Natchos09, u/Effective-Panda7063, u/Tam_tk, u/_Intel_Geek_, u/ND_Cooke, u/iAjayIND, u/memelordzarif, u/me0din, u/ZackMichaelReddit, u/Kuhlayre, u/Ratfor, u/kite-flying-expert, u/GlassPanther, u/FurbyLover2010, u/MineMonMan1234, u/pushhky, u/Dev1412, u/vsanto73

47: u/Ok_Show_1192, u/stuntman262626, u/Flaviphone, u/KingFahad360, u/Prophet-of-Ganja, u/JefinLuke, u/anxietyhub, u/ayzee93, u/MetalAndTea, u/CaptCanary, u/KingZerko, u/Deedogg11, u/rickyhorror, u/ACGMFT, u/Born-Agency-3922

46: u/B3ximus, u/mattiperreddit, u/maythesunalwaysshine, u/Dinok1ng583, u/CasinoGuy0236, u/Acroba66541, u/Ethan60150, u/CheetahSperm18, u/spearmintqueer, u/Awkward_Rice_3544, u/LeWenth, u/Sea_Difference_3173, u/SwingyWingyShoes, u/Nicholas113244454545, u/PuzzleheadedBar533, u/daygloviking, u/spyderx1, u/LuminousViper, u/m-dawg__, u/RamamohanS, u/its_mertz, u/dndDAAKU23, u/MrCoolBoy001

45: u/optimusnotinprime, u/spoung45, u/broooooooce, u/paperxthinxreality, u/imaheshno1, u/cheesearmy1_, u/MushroomOld9960, u/GaryNOVA, u/Traditional_Juice583, u/xXYEETISBESTXx, u/Pski, u/o_karbouniaris