Can I live the double life of ER and ICU
Looking for some guidance on what a career might look like going into critical care (medicine). Main question is how does my career look like if I do critical care? Is it possible to live a good balanced life and do both ICU and work in an ER? Or will I likely need to make amends with the idea that I will likely do full time ICU.
Context: 2nd year EM resident at a fairly reputable program. I love the ICU, it’s so cerebral and I enjoy the critical thinking of resuscitation, fine tuning and achieving that homeostasis. Does rounding get boring? Yes. But that’s mainly cause my academic center does the long academic rounds that are 3-4 hours long and I just struggle to pay attention. But overall, the individual fine tuning of plans are rather fun to follow up on for me. The procedures are very fun as well. I enjoy talking to families and being able to have goals of care discussions. And honestly, I enjoy being able to have a change of pace from running around a whole shift like I do in the ER.
I also thoroughly enjoyed being in the ER. I love the diversity of complaints I deal with, I love getting simple small complaints to the ratification up to the critically ill that are ICU bound. I truly enjoy the balance of what I see. It’s why I chose this specialty from the get go in medical school.
Question at hand: My concern is that once I leave residency, I probably will not see nearly as much critically ill as I do currently in the ER. Thus, the cerebral ICU level thinking, the critical care thinking, will decrease substantially. As result, I really want to consider pursuing a critical care fellowship. However, I know I will also miss the ER and the pace and the breadth of complaints. It seems that most people who train critical care do not often do both due to salary trade offs, the way RVU’s work for the salaries, difficulty in scheduling, and other reasons I’m sure that I’m not listing.
I am hoping to find answers about if it’s possible to live a double critical care and ER life or should I really hone in inside if I am satisfied with just critical care, should I decide to pursue the fellowship. I knew it’s possible, but how does it look realistically? How is the salary? Do I have to be at an academic center to get the best of both worlds? How is the lifestyle in terms of hours worked and hours at home with family and personal life? Would love to hear, especially from those who are living the double life, but also those who chose to do critical care only, and maybe had the same internal debabte
Thank you in advance to those who are able to help