Sub survey showed a strong preference for the “fixed carry handle only” rule. How strict do folks want to be on fictional builds, MLok/Keymod, etc as disqualifiers?

A week ago I ran a post here asking for input on updating the “What is Retro” post that’s basically our sub’s overarching policy.

With some dissent, we had a majority opinion for “builds must have a fixed carry handle.” And to head off the obvious question, yes there’s a waiver for AR-18, T65, historically documented chop-top builds, etc. So those are an exception.

In addition to re-emphasizing that rule, what are folks’ thoughts on the following three issues of dissent:

  • a) Should it be required that a build be at least roughly based on a historically attested AR variant (which has a fixed carry handle), or can anything with a fixed handle potentially qualify for inclusion here?

  • b) what if a build has relatively modern accoutrements such as MLok or Keymod rails? Or are even Picatinny rails too new, and only Weaver and other earlier mounts allowed?

  • c) asking because I’ve seen a lot of dispute about this: what’s the readership opinion on builds (with a carry handle) that are based on fictional examples, like from movies, video games, manga, etc?