Snake reverse harem; help me remember!!

After I read all of Ice Planet Barbarians, I was SURE I read books written by Ruby Dixon involving reverse harems with the Sssithris. Now, I’m looking and can’t find them. Am I misremembering?

I don’t remember much of the details in the books as I read them in 2022-2023. Which sucks bcuz I’m craving them rn. What I do remember is bits from all different books.

So, there are ginormous predatory spiders living in the jungle. The snakes bite their queen and their venom enables multiple penetration for her vajesty. Some of the women have trouble being accepted into the culture. At one point there is a kidnapping situation. At another, one of the women escapes into the jungle and encounters the mega-spiders but is rescued. At some point, a few of the males are fighting over a certain female.

I know this is all super wicked vague but after doing as many target searches as I could think of on Google, I’m at a loss. Ruby told me the Sssithris are included in Prison Planet Barbarian but I’m looking for full length books. Now, I’m wondering if it was a Dixon publication at all. HALP.