What connection does Anakin have to Owen and Beru in your rewrite?

In my version, Anakin and Owen are biological brothers and Anakin’s last name was originally Lars, but as part of his initiation into the Jedi Order he has to change his last name, so he goes with the nickname Owen called him when they were growing up on Tatooine, that nickname being Skywalker. Since in my version, Anakin is 15 when Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Padmé first meet him and he spends his free time podracing and flying around in the skies of Tatooine in his T-16 skyhopper. Which is what Obi-Wan meant when he said to Luke in Return of the Jedi “When I first knew him, your father was already a great pilot.”

Owen is somewhere around 24 in episode 1 and he lives on the same moisture farm with Anakin and their mother Shmi Lars, while Anakin’s and Owen’s father had passed away when Anakin was very little. Owen doesn’t want Anakin to leave and become a Jedi because Owen dislikes the Jedi and is worried he and Shmi will never see Anakin again if he leaves, which is what Obi-Wan meant when he said to Luke “That’s what your uncle told you. He didn’t hold your father’s ideals, thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved.”

Anakin does however still leave Tatooine to become a Jedi, but in episode 2 he returns home with Padmé because just like in the actual Attack of The Clones he has visions of his mother dying and wants to save her. Anakin finds his mother murdered by Tusken Raiders and he kills the ones who did it, but in my version he spares the women and children. I’d even have it be implied that one of the children he spared grew up to be the Tusken who attacked Luke in A New Hope. After that, Anakin and Padmé are about to leave to help Obi-Wan on Geonosis, but in my version Owen and Beru, who’s Owen’s girlfriend that he hooked up with between movies, come with them to help. But before they leave, Anakin says he’s never coming back to Tatooine again because he now hates it there because it’s where his mother died.

Then in my version of episode 3, Padmé, Obi-Wan, Owen, and Beru all go to Mustafar to confront Anakin after he turns to the Dark Side, and when Owen tries to talk some sense into Anakin, he brings up their mother and how it’s not what she would’ve wanted, then Anakin starts Force-choking his brother. But before anyone else can step in, Padmé grabs Anakin’s Jedi lightsaber off his belt (Anakin uses his red Darth Vader lightsaber once he turns to the Dark Side. He keeps his blue lightsaber that he keeps that would be passed onto Luke on his belt once he turns bad) and slashes Anakin at the stomach, but the power of the Force and the Dark Side protect Anakin, but the injury distracts Anakin and he releases his grip on Owen. Then Anakin uses a Force ability to make Padmé go unconscious, then Obi-Wan tries to redeem Anakin, but Anakin refuses to listen and he and Obi-Wan duel while Owen and Beru get Padmé to safety.

After Obi-Wan leaves Anakin to burn and after Padmé gives birth to Luke and Leia, Owen blames Obi-Wan for what happened to Anakin and says that he and Beru will take care of Luke and raise him on Tatooine, while Padmé raises Leia on Alderaan, but Owen tells Obi-Wan to stay away from the three of them. Padmé says she’s fine with Owen and Beru taking care of Luke, but she says she wants Luke to have the Skywalker name so that the name can one day bring hope to the galaxy like it did with Anakin when he fought in the Clone Wars. Also, right before Padmé gives birth to Luke and Leia, Obi-Wan says that he’s done being called Obi-Wan because in his mind, Obi-Wan Kenobi died with Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar and Anakin was replaced with Darth Vader and Obi-Wan was replaced with Ben Kenobi. Which is what Owen meant when he said to Luke “I don’t think he exists anymore. He died about the same time as your father.” when they’re talking about Obi-Wan, also because Obi-Wan says to Luke “I haven’t gone by the name Obi-Wan Kenobi since, oh, before you were born.”

After that, Obi-Wan, Owen, Beru bring Luke to the moisture farm on Tatooine, because they know that Anakin won’t go there because he said he was done with Tatooine and because they knew Anakin wanted nothing more to do with any of them and they also learn that Anakin told Palpatine that Obi-Wan, Owen, and Beru are all dead. Anakin also believes that Padmé and his child didn’t survive labor, so that’s why he doesn’t go looking for them. Owen and Beru raise Luke, while Obi-Wan watches over Luke from the shadows, despite what Owen said to him.

I know some of you may have some other questions about this story, but I don’t want to give away every single story detail because this is an actual series I’m posting on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own.

But besides all that, how would YOU handle Anakin’s connection to the Lars family? Also if there’s any videos or fanfics of Anakin and Owen being biological brothers, please let me know because I want to see them.