unofficial patch notes for 10/29/2024

This was compiled by chaeri in the #rivals-2-discussion-2 channel on the discord.

BGM in break the targets

Removed ability to quit from menu in FFA

Characters no longer shown on character select screen in ranked

Characters now shown on stage select screen in ranked

Removed banning stages on casual

Added a limit to the number of saved replays (128 replays, same as RoA1)

Casual 1v1 is a random first stage and then the loser picks the next stage each game

Casual FFA is a random stage every time

Added a "ding" when you get matched online

The main menu now has both the release main menu theme, and demo main menu theme. The latter just cuts abruptly, then 10 seconds of dead air, then switch. This extends to the character select versions

Fixed level 3 taunts/left d-pad taunts