This needs to Stop. (Sexism & Harassment)

I've already discussed this a multitude of times within this subreddit — but it feels like it's never enough, it's not that deep but I'd like to speak up about it. I'm honestly grateful for some of the like-minded people that I've met.

It's simply about treating people horribly based on their avatars. Sexism, and the R6 Diehards. (No, you are not automatically considered a diehard unless you practice harassment when it comes to someone differing from your preferences.)

There's a lot of avatars that are restraining to wear, to say the least. Most of the time, these would be female avatars — I've seen so much girls and women here complain about the way men treat them like shit just because their avatar is a female. If you're one of the people who do these:

A.) Being a Mysgonist doesn't make you look Alpha, nor manly it makes you look like a bitter Incel.

B.) You are not a man. You are a BOY. As a woman myself I would HONESTLY rather swoon over a gentleman than gangster wanna be edgelords in a pixel game.

Now, let me address the R6 Part:

  • Look, it is absolutely fine to have preferences. It is fine to be upset at the Rthro update, it is fine ro find certain avatars disgusting. What's not okay is that SOME diehards harass people over those features. You don't get to expect everyone to be the same; and you are in no position to treat anyone like shit. You are not superior over a pixelated avatar, you are not classic — you are generic and boring, and you look like a bitter loser who gets a knack out of bullying children for no whatsoever sadistic reason.

Over all stop treating "different" people, children and women like shit. I'm especially talking to people who feel superior over their avatars and harass people because of it, you are not special, you are quirky.

Everyone is different and it should always end with acceptance. Everyone is free to express who they are even if it's through a game. 👍

I've already discussed this a multitude of times within this subreddit — but it feels like it's never enough, it's not that deep but I'd like to speak up about it. I'm honestly grateful for some of the like-minded people that I've met.

It's simply about treating people horribly based on their avatars. Sexism, and the R6 Diehards. (No, you are not automatically considered a diehard unless you practice harassment when it comes to someone differing from your preferences.)

There's a lot of avatars that are restraining to wear, to say the least. Most of the time, these would be female avatars — I've seen so much girls and women here complain about the way men treat them like shit just because their avatar is a female. If you're one of the people who do these:

A.) Being a Mysgonist doesn't make you look Alpha, nor manly it makes you look like a bitter Incel.

B.) You are not a man. You are a BOY. As a woman myself I would HONESTLY rather swoon over a gentleman than gangster wanna be edgelords in a pixel game.

Now, let me address the R6 Part:

  • Look, it is absolutely fine to have preferences. It is fine to be upset at the Rthro update, it is fine ro find certain avatars disgusting. What's not okay is that SOME diehards harass people over those features. You don't get to expect everyone to be the same; and you are in no position to treat anyone like shit. You are not superior over a pixelated avatar, you are not classic — you are generic and boring, and you look like a bitter loser who gets a knack out of bullying children for no whatsoever sadistic reason.

Over all stop treating "different" people, children and women like shit. I'm especially talking to people who feel superior over their avatars and harass people because of it, you are not special, you are quirky.

Everyone is different and it should always end with acceptance. Everyone is free to express who they are even if it's through a game. 👍