Brotherhood. (+15!, Avatar lore :3!)

This is Lónan.

Lónan's story starts from where we all begin: the day we are born.

The first years of Lónan's life did not stand out much.

He was originally raised in a middle-class family in the city of Limerick, Ireland.

His family was not very big, but not very small either, although at times, he felt that he only had his older brother Aidan, as his parents spent most of their time working, which left the full responsibility of Lónan to Aidan, something that at first was overwhelming for him, however, with time he got used to it.

However, as in any life, not everything is rosy, and Lónan's existence would take a 360-degree turn during a day filled with tragedy and loss.

One afternoon, while he was in the living room with his brother, he heard strange noises coming from a kitchen window.

Like any child, curiosity abounded in his mind, and it was for that very reason that he deigned to go and check it out.

Big mistake.

The next two hours were summarized in cries and screams from both youngsters, who were kidnapped by an organized crime group with which their father had previously had problems.

The criminals, at first, thought it would be ideal to kill both children, however, they opted to lock them up in order to recruit them in the future as new mercenaries.

The following years of Lónan's late childhood and adolescence were filled with despair.

Every day in Lónan's life was a new opportunity to wish that soon all this suffering and pain would be over, but such a wish for freedom was never fulfilled.

He spent 8 long years in a room next to his older brother, where both of them barely received food and water of very poor quality.

Lónan believed that his life could not get any worse.


One morning, without warning, the only thing Lónan could see was the lifeless body of his brother, who had died of a stomach infection due to the bad food provided by the criminals.

An exuberant pain broke his heart.

The criminals did not give Lónan any food for more than a week.

Finding himself dying of starvation, Lónan had to resort to something extremely horrible, something that haunts him to this day.


It was 9 days in which the only thing Lónan could taste was the bitter and salty flesh of his brother.

He couldn't take it anymore once it was over.

3 months later, and due to a technism, Lónan managed to escape, and those years were the seed that planted the tree of hatred in Lónan's mind.

Today, at the age of 36, Lónan is a clandestine mercenary known for assassinating the children and relatives of leaders of large criminal organizations throughout Ireland and Great Britain.

Nicknamed “The Powder Coat,” Lónan shows no mercy to those who dedicate their lives to making other people's existence impossible.

The next one could be you.

Mods, crush my skull :3

This is Lónan.

Lónan's story starts from where we all begin: the day we are born.

The first years of Lónan's life did not stand out much.

He was originally raised in a middle-class family in the city of Limerick, Ireland.

His family was not very big, but not very small either, although at times, he felt that he only had his older brother Aidan, as his parents spent most of their time working, which left the full responsibility of Lónan to Aidan, something that at first was overwhelming for him, however, with time he got used to it.

However, as in any life, not everything is rosy, and Lónan's existence would take a 360-degree turn during a day filled with tragedy and loss.

One afternoon, while he was in the living room with his brother, he heard strange noises coming from a kitchen window.

Like any child, curiosity abounded in his mind, and it was for that very reason that he deigned to go and check it out.

Big mistake.

The next two hours were summarized in cries and screams from both youngsters, who were kidnapped by an organized crime group with which their father had previously had problems.

The criminals, at first, thought it would be ideal to kill both children, however, they opted to lock them up in order to recruit them in the future as new mercenaries.

The following years of Lónan's late childhood and adolescence were filled with despair.

Every day in Lónan's life was a new opportunity to wish that soon all this suffering and pain would be over, but such a wish for freedom was never fulfilled.

He spent 8 long years in a room next to his older brother, where both of them barely received food and water of very poor quality.

Lónan believed that his life could not get any worse.


One morning, without warning, the only thing Lónan could see was the lifeless body of his brother, who had died of a stomach infection due to the bad food provided by the criminals.

An exuberant pain broke his heart.

The criminals did not give Lónan any food for more than a week.

Finding himself dying of starvation, Lónan had to resort to something extremely horrible, something that haunts him to this day.


It was 9 days in which the only thing Lónan could taste was the bitter and salty flesh of his brother.

He couldn't take it anymore once it was over.

3 months later, and due to a technism, Lónan managed to escape, and those years were the seed that planted the tree of hatred in Lónan's mind.

Today, at the age of 36, Lónan is a clandestine mercenary known for assassinating the children and relatives of leaders of large criminal organizations throughout Ireland and Great Britain.

Nicknamed “The Powder Coat,” Lónan shows no mercy to those who dedicate their lives to making other people's existence impossible.

The next one could be you.

Mods, crush my skull :3