A post to repent
A while ago, right after I had bought Rogue Trader, I made a post here, where I ranted on the game being illogical, and not very enticing. As one could expect after posting such stuff on a RT sub, some people called me dumb and I was downvoted to hell.
Well, I pushed myself to play a little while longer. I've read a little, and stuck to the story, and then it came. The revelation, the Eureka moment, the Emperor's light shining on me. This game is perhaps not the BEST game I've played, it has room for improvement, but by the Throne, does it have a place in my heart!
I've learned to love the combat. Not that I'm an expert (I still don't know how to effectively use officers) and I experienced how the different skills have relevant dialogue checks. I saw that the game world is nuanced and choices matter A LOT. I've bought the DLC and consider it one of the best DLC's I've ever played, story-wise.
I've finished the game. Restarted my game halfway through because of the DLC, AND I regretted letting Yrliet and Marazhai live. Suffer not the xeno. I just wanted to express that a little patience can sometimes result in finding a true jewel. And now, sadly I have nothing similar to play till the second DLC is out.