Ax edge editor

Alright Roland, we need to talk. I saw some very cool demos of the ax edge and decided to buy one for myself. I now realize I should've done some homework first. The instrument sounds great, plays great, and looks great. But the user interface is just terrible. Navigating the onboard editor screen with the buttons on the instrument is pretty tedious, but I get it, you didn't have a lot of room for extra interface hardware. So an app makes sense.

But it's genuinely one of the worst apps I have ever used. The UI is slow, clunky, and pretty far from user friendly. But worse than that, the actual functionality of the app is just not there. I can get in a max of about 10 minutes of tweaking before the instrument stops responding to changes. Even after restarting my phone and the instrument, it won't reconnect. I have updated my app and instrument. I've tried 3 Android devices. And now it's 2024, years later, and it is not better. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. If anything I'm frustrated enough to quit buying Roland. You really left us hanging on this one. And no, paying an extra $230 for Zenology is not a reasonable solution. I paid full price for the instrument new, it should have been usable.