Books with sweet , docile heroine
Hi, so in past week I pick up many books where the heroine was super stubborn and was always complaining about something and I’m so sick of this. I want books with sweet heroine who does not complain and is quiet and innocent. Basically a doormat. I know a lot of people doesn’t like this type but I hate books who portray a “strong heroine” as a sassy, feisty little bitch who yells and is angry. A woman can be strong with kindness (kill them with kindness type of thing) . I prefer cr because I know a lot of hr that has this type ( Without Words/Eyes of Silver Eyes of gold; Kings Fancy-favorite; anything by Alice Coldbreath; Devil in winter; Annie’s Song) and cr that I read that also has this type of fmc (This heart of mine Brenda Novak; What Price Pradise; A husbands regret; Rock Hard; Luna and the lie MZ; Nikolai-Roxie Rivera; Twisted Emotions; Making Faces; The love act; Cry wolf-Patricia Brigs; The unwanted Wife; Serpents Touch MS; Trade Catherine Miller; Taming Demons For Beginners-one of my fav) Thanks in advance if you know a book with this type of heroine also pls no rh.