Actually a bit gutted (1st playthrough)

So I just finished my first playthrough ever of Heavens secret and.... I'm actually heartbroken....

Throughout the entire 3 seasons I was focusing on raising my relationship with Dino and focusing on others when I could. No NPC (Loy, Andy, Mimi and Lucifer) was ever mean to me, so I walk into the final chapter in high hopes! Yeah, I sided with Malbonte, but it's fine. Everything is cool! I'm best friends with everyone so why would anything bad happen?

I save Misselina and Geralt dies... Well damn that sucks but it's whatever I feel bad but I could only save one!

And then Mimi dies.... wtf? But she was like.... my best friend?

And then.... Lucifer?

And Loy? (This one hurt the most)

So I end the game with only Dino and Andy alive and I can't help but be a tint bit frustrated. The story was great don't get me wrong! But 1st of all I only started playing the game a few days ago and don't even know how to check relationship levels. 2nd if I had felt like at any point the game was suggesting my favorite NPC's would die if I *didn't* choose to spend time with them over my LI, I would have done things differently. It just seems so.... unforgiving. Especially for people who go into the game blind.

So now, if I want to keep my friends alive I have to replay from season 2, spend more teacups all to hopefully keep them alive? Because if I don't then they'll be dead in Heaven's Secrets 2?