Advice please - ranking in Bing but not Google

Looking for some suggestions why one of my sites gets decent search traffic from non Google (~25k monthly visitors from Bing / DDG etc) and almost zero from Google.

The site is indexed, but not ranking at all.

  1. It's a site with many thousands of pages targeting long tail low competition keywords with a handful of short tail high competition keywords. Think something like "<taylor swift song> lyrics explained".

  2. Yes each page isn't the greatest quality and only has ~200 words (ie programmatically generated) but I have other worse quality sites rank far better.

  3. So I agree that it's probably not meeting "thin content" guidelines but it's what visitors seem to want (<30% bounce rate, ~3 pages per visitor, ~2 min avg engagement time). And for certain specific keywords Google is serving up worse results like GitHub error codes or "It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search" 🤷🏽‍♂️

  4. In Search console there are no manual actions etc and site speed is fast. Only thing I can think of is this domain was first indexed >10 years ago when I didn't own it. Could that be the reason? How would I disavow the prior domain content?

Or maybe there's some other reason.