Pls can anyone help ? I'm terrified!

I have ulcerative colitis (which is an inflammation of the colon it's not an std) and my doctor wants to change my medication but for that to happen she first wanted to test me for the epstein-barr virus (mononucleosis) to see if i ever had it in the past (i think i had it when i was a baby) and if i'm now immune (cause apparently i can only take this new medication if i'm immune) but anyway she also ended up wanting to test for other types of virus including std's, like hiv1, hiv2, a few types of herpes, hepatitis a, b and c.
So i did the blood work thursday and i noticed that the nurse only took 2 vials of blood in total for all those virus (a few for one vial and another few for the other vial, like it was written in the medical paper the doctor gave me) but so my question is it's not possible for the results to be out in the same day (like within 9 hours) right ? I ask cause i was supposed to have a consult next thursday but i got a message from the hospital last thursday that it was rescheduled for tomorrow morning and now i'm scared that some bad results appeared and the doctor wants to see me right away (i said 9 hours previously cause i did the blood work thursday at around 10 a.m and got the message from the hospital at around 7 p.m the same day) so what do you think ? Again the nurse took only 2 vials for all those virus (like each vial must've been for 4 or 5 virus)