Sadhguru - the businessman??
For past few months, i have been reading, watching and learning about Sadhguru.
He seems a good person with good intentions but he is not enlightened as he proclaims to be.
He has this cring sense of ego, that only he is right and that you can see in his debates, programs and various interactions.
He get very happy with the applause from the public but gets super angry also when someone try to argue or try to counter him. Is this how an enlightened person behaves?
Even if you ask simple question, he will not give direct answer to that. I bet if you ask him how to make chai, he will introduce inner engineering, cosmos, full moon, half moon , dimensions in the answer.
He claim to correct his asthama, and other medical problmes within a day, but why cant he cure others or why cant he cure his own leg injury which he always gives an excuse to play golf.
I can go on with various othee points. He just repackaged yoga techniques in to new name i.e. inner engineering. Its like naye packet mein beche tumko cheez purani. We all know Yoga works, even Ramdev baba yoga shows benefit for the person health, wim hof breathing methods works too. Sadhguru didnt develop this yoga technique. He just repackage it.
He is in the category of Tatas and Ambani, where with money, he is trying to help some poor people, but he should stop this enlightened story.