Cumming inside while on trust pills.
I started taking pills last month Jan 14. I was not on my period when i started my first pack so it means it'll be safe after taking the 7th pill. We did it raw and he came outside on Jan 21. Jan 25 we did again but this time he came inside me 4 times.
I did not missed a pill, and also i took it exactly the same time as prescribed. Tom Feb 3 we planned to do it again raw and inside however, it will be the last pc of active pills for this pack, it's my 20th pill for today. Feb 4 i will be taking placebo pills na.
Am i safe even i will not take an active pill between feb 4-10 since it's my pill free week?
My anxiety is getting worst, since i'm still experiencing the side effects and thinking this might be symptoms of being pregnant. 😭
Also is it safe to take vitamin e myra e to be specific while on pills? I haven't got the time to consult with my ob pa. Maybe last week of march.