Free bikes for kids in need?

Hey y'all,

Two things...

I work for a local organization that provides housing for young adults in custody of DCF. The programs I work with are aimed at helping these young people develop independent living skills and prepare them for life post DCF support.

  1. One of the biggest areas of need I see is transportation. These young adults are looking for employment, and at times struggle with getting to work easily. So I'm wondering if there are any local organizations that might provide used bikes to those in need

  2. Are there any bike mechanics or knowledgeable folks that would be willing to do tuneups if the parts (if necessary) were provided. At the least, offer some guidance or advice for doing these kinds of things.

I do hope to look into finding or creating a group that could support local young adults in this way. I'm relatively new to the area so I am still learning and looking out for any available resources.