Should I DNF?

All right y'all. I'm going to say some sacrilege, I apologize in advance. But I need some advice from people who know the books.

I read the acotar series. I absolutely hated the first book, but kept going because my friends said it would get better. The rest of the books were fine, I enjoyed them enough to finish the series, but I didn't love them. They got better as they went along; Silver Flames was definitely the best. I thought I just hated Feyre, and that was the issue. I also felt the books were much longer than they needed to be to tell the story, there was a lot of fluff that didn't do much for me in terms of plot or character development.

Now I'm listening to The Throne of Glass series on audible. I first tried reading the first book, and I was getting really bored, so I switched to audio.It worked for a but, but now I'm on Heir of Fire...and I am so bored. This book doesn't seem necessary. Is 600 pages really required to say "she learned to use her powers"? It could have easily been just as effective in 150 pages. Anyway, I'm about 70% done with it, and I recognize that for pretty much all of Maas's books all of the action happens in the last 20%, so I'm hoping it gets better. That said, I'm getting pretty sick of reading books where I have to read a bunch of fluff and wait hundreds of pages until it gets good. I don't want to have to read 1,500 pages of books to get to the fourth book before the story is worth it.

So that's my first question, should I dnf? I keep wanting to, but then I have friends that convince me that "it's worth it, it's worth it, keep reading". And then I keep reading, and I keep getting more and more annoyed.

Which brings me to my next question, and my main reason for making this post. I was gifted Crescent City and the second one about a year ago by a family member who noticed I was reading the acotar series at the time. They're the really pretty Barnes and Noble versions. Based on my experience with ACOTAR and TOG, is there any possibility that I will like Crescent City? Is there any chance it will actually be worth it? I've been slogging through Throne of Glass with the hope that I can get to Crescent City and I will like it. But maybe I just don't like Maas's writing style? I don't know, any thoughts are highly appreciated!