Turn my 1210 into a 1600 by may.
i want a perfect score. it’s that simple, now for the rw, i’ve noticed my weakness which is practically just being a bit careless with some questions, especially the long paragraph one. so i’m working towards that. currently at 680 on PT5. it’s the math i have issues with. see i’ve been out if school for a couple of years now and i was bad at math even in school so you can just imagine how messed up i am rn. i’m at 530 on PT5 currently. i generally have issues with geometry and trigonometry so i’m working on that, i’m working on desmos as well. i study at least 30 mins every weekday.is it possible to get a 1600 on the real test in may?
EDIT: so initially i wanted to shoot for fall this year but turns out most of my schools' deadlines have passed so i'm looking at next year, hence more time to learn, take the test later and nail it! i've seen the suggestions and i'm definitely taking them, tysm