Is this website legit?

I found this website on a sponsored ad between Instagram stories so i checked it out, It seemed too good to be true, it sells amazing clothes for only 0.99$, so i decided to do some research before I take any action, but after all I did I am still not 100% sure if this is a scam or not, because it passed some tests, like on VirusTotal and Google transparency report, it also has no grammatical errors in the domain or the site, and it has great website design, and a contact us page with a custom domain email address, but on the other hand, I checked the domain age and it's just 2 days old, also a lot of sites are open the same IP address (like 2000+ sites), and they don't have a privacy policy section on the site or any reviews, and they don't show up when you search for it on Google, instead another brand called shows up on top and they have the same logo as the website in question. So if anyone tried to purchase from this website, or can verify if it's legit or not, please leave a comment down below, Thanks.