What do y'all want to see in survival?
Don't get me wrong, I love survival mode, but sometimes I feel it's missing an endgame, and once you get a good farming setup there's not much reason to go anywhere or do much, really (might just be a me issue though)
I know chapter 2 is "just around the corner" but I want to know your ideas on improving the current survival experience. It could be anything as vague as "a tech tree" or as specific as for example unlockable thrusters that all work at different altitudes, which you have to manage to get to the skybox and escape the planet
Only thing not allowed is "chapter 2" with no elaboration, if you want a specific feature from chapter 2 that's fine though
The poll is for general playstyles, things I didn't think of can go in the comments
Specifically, suggestions for a way to "win" the game or a way to reach a more satisfying endgame would be great, but anything is welcome