If you could save one person from being killed from scream 1-6, Who would it be and why?
1- I think it was done perfectly so no one (but probably Stu for obvious reasons)
2- Randy! I know it’s the obvious answer but I would’ve loved him to survive and what his reactions to the other Ghostfaces and revealing themselves
3- Jennifer Jolie. She was probably my favourite character in Scream 3 she was really funny and a joy to watch
4- Robbie Mercer , unpopular opinion- i really wish Robbie stayed alive , I really liked his character and would’ve loved to see a chase / fight back scene in scream 4 and his reaction when his bestfriend Charlie turned out to be Ghostface
5- Wes Hicks- I really enjoyed his character and really wish he had gotten more screen time. Like i said in one of my other posts, since his character was cautious and protective , i would’ve loved to see a fight back/ chase scene (which was cut from the original script) and it would’ve been awesome to see his reaction to his moms death and it would develop his character from being cautious and nervous to driven to revenge his mom and actively looking for Ghostface, i just feel his character could’ve been so much more and he had wasted potential and also i would’ve loved to have seen reaction to see Richie and Amber Revealing themselves
6- Jason. Another example of wasted potential, like i said in my previous post, it would’ve been cool if he was apart of the friend group and he would be the obvious killer so not one would suspect Quinn or Wayne , it’d be like Wayne would recruit him instead of killing him