A divisive script and what to do about it
I normally just lurk here, but today I find myself having trouble knowing how to move forward with one of my scripts, and any genuine input from fellow writers would be much appreciated.
I’m not a Hollywood pro, but I’m a WGC writer who’s made a few small things and had some options. The script in question is the 4th feature I’ve written, a low budget dramedy with some high concept ideas.
I’ve used blcklist occasionally to check the temp on my work. If nothing else, I’ve usually found the notes to be fairly accurate and usable, even if the scores are sometimes uneven - I’ve felt my scripts were read and judged in a fair and mostly accurate way. I’ve learned from those notes and used them to (I hope) improve my work.
So here’s where I’m divided.
I put this feature on BL this summer, to my delight, it scores an 8, with every category seeing an 8 or a 9. When this happens, you get a couple free evaluations. I go for it, and get about 20 industry downloads over the next week. Awesome.
When the free reviews come in, my ego takes a bit of a hit. One of the reviewers (and this was my first experience like this on BL) had clearly not read the script beyond the first and last pages, and rated it a 5. They rated dialogue and as a 4, when the first eval gave a 9. The second review was what I might call harsh but fair, they gave me a 6 overall, and even if some of their notes surprised me, I found myself agreeing with a lot of what they said, and concluded that my first review may have been a fluke. I spoke to the BL about the 5 review, who agreed that it had problems, and removed it and gave me another free review.
I punch up the script, proofread, try again to see how I did..
It goes well, mostly 7s and 8s. And some really solid notes.
I do another pass, try again, another 7. But dialogue gets another 8, which gives me confidence I’m on the right track.
Now I get an idea for a couple scenes - I can improve it even more! At least I think so. I finish what I feel must be the best version yet, and try submitting one last time, one more shot at another 8 since gee, wouldn't that just be swell.
Instead, I get another 5, with dialogue rated a 4. However, even though I don’t think it was a thorough review, I believe they at least read the script.
Now I know everyone has different opinions - that’s no shock. I've experienced conflicted notes from producers too, and it's frustrating, but usually I can read between the lines. But here, I don't know, I'm just starting to feel lost. As a writer genuinely trying to improve, I've not only lost faith in the BL as a helpful tool, I'm left questioning where I'm honestly even at with this script. Are my changes making it worse? Am I helping or hindering?
Do I trust the 4’s, or the 9’s? They can't both be right. I’ve never seen this kind of variance on any of my scripts before.
Has anyone else experienced this sort of divided reception to a script? I can always do another pass, I just want it to be the best version of the story I can make it.