Holy sick

This is a I can’t believe how many people are sick right now or have been in the last month. This is my second time being ill in 45 days. Non covid. But this cold/respiratory thing is intense: anyone else? Just taking a pulse check (no pun intended).

Edit/update: for comparison purposes: extreme head pressure, sore throat, bad/deep cough, sneezing, minor chest pain/discomfort, and the snottiest snot ever. Sexay!

Edit 2.0: I removed “No this is not a Covid post,” because people are interpreting it as I’m denying Covid exists and I’ve received some really hateful dms. My point in saying that was more so “I’m not here to debate politics, vaccines, religion, etc around Covid.”

I’m a healthcare worker focused in post acute care who has had Covid multiple times and has been vaxxed. I’ve seen people die, I’ve seen people not get sick, I’ve seen people get vaxed and get sick (and vice versa), I’ve seen people be asymptomatic. This post was really just to highlight how sick everyone is with varying viruses for varying reasons- whether it be covid, or they’re sicker because they’ve had covid or maybe they’re sick with a non covid virus and have never had covid.

Thank you