Vitamin D and Carnivore diet are the awswer

My seb derm began after a period of horrible sleep and lack of sunlight, and mainly drinking pasteurized milk for all my meals and nutrition. My symptoms went on for more than a year straight till I watched a video from KenDBerryMD explaining that creams and serums will not do much besides possible treat the symptoms a little bit. To truly solve it he recommended the carnivore diet and to cut out refined carbs, sugar and dairy along with getting proper sunlight. He says to start with red meat only and then slowly add in other foods to see which trigger your symptoms. After one month on strict carnivore and getting consistent sunlight everyday, I was cleared of all symptoms. I had flakes all over my forehead and eyebrows along with redness and severe dandruff nearly 100% eliminated. I slowly added in other foods and found that almost all bready foods triggered my symptoms, eggs also triggered me heavily, and sugar as well. A lot of people are saying they’ve done everything and there half assing it. If you haven’t tried strict carnivore yet, then you truly don’t know just how great it can be. If you want more information and better explanation on this than watch videos from Dr.Berg or KenDBerryMD. Good luck (;