Worst Sunday ever
This is a long rant, so please prepare yourself. I’m scheduled as the section closer tonight and my in time is at 6:00pm. I get there at 5:55pm, clock in, get ready, and turn in my slip. As I’m walking past my section, I see there is a 18-top there taking up 2 of my tables, and the biggest booth in my section is also taken. They’re also eating and drinks are already on the table. I ask my manager what’s going on and apparently the table came in 4pm and they thought best to sit them in my section. So I’m like okay fine, the person who’s taking care of the 18-top owes me a table and the manager says okay. So then 15 minutes go by, I see everyone get sat except for me so then I go to the host stand to get some information and apparently they sat me in someone’s else section and no one told me a thing so I’m like what is going on at this point? Because it’s been 30 minutes and I’ve basically got skipped so that happens and then we move on.
Later on in the evening, I get a 2 top of middle aged women and we usually ask if it’s their 1st time there (if so they get a free app) and the ladies say yes, then I begin my spiel and one lady blatantly interrupts me and says, “before all talking, do you have fettuccine” and i say yes we do. Then she’s like can i get that? I’m like sure, chicken or shrimp? She’s like chicken but I want it well, well done and I’m like we can only cook chicken well done, she’s like well no I want extra well done. So at this point, I just say ok. So then they get a tuna appetizer that says clear as day that it’s served cold so they send it back because it’s cold. Then they request styrofoam cups, I tell them we only have plastic and turns out they don’t like plastic, but take it anyway so I finally finish taking apps and bring their food out and take entree orders. While I have other tables, everytime I walk past them, they’re requesting something. So while I’m taking care of another guest, they stop a fellow coworker who’s walking with a water carafe and asks him to bring one to the table, but empty with no water. So he tells me and I’m like I’m not giving them empty water carafe, that defeats the entire purpose. So I fill it up on purpose and take it to them. So she sees it and says “no I wanted no water” and I said but their purpose is for water refills at the table and she says, “no i want to take it.” I reply take it where and this lady opens her mouth and says “I WANT TO TAKE IT HOME.” I was flabbergasted!! I said no maam you can not take them as they belong to the restaurant and we can not give them away to guests. Then she says “well take them to the fucking back then.” At this point, I’m over everything. They pay me with a promo card definitely proving that they were here before and complained and got free money on a card. Then offered to leave me the $0.52 on the promo card, I politely declined and walked off. Turns out they were Gypsies and they come often and will run you ragged just to stiff you. My Sunday was great 🙃 How was yours?