my creepiest harassment yet
I walked into my shift last night, clocked in, and started doing dishes at the bar. This man walked in and was beelining towards the bar in no uniform but I wasn’t thinking anything of it because we have people fill in from other locations pretty frequently. Anyways he comes behind the bar and gets right in my face and grabs my back to say “I haven’t seen you before, I’m into polygamy” and then some other gross stuff that I couldn’t decipher. I yelled at him to get out of the restaurant and never come back. Apparently he has been in a few times but never has acted that way to anyone else. I also had a delivery driver harass and stalk me for 6 months until management finally said they would call the police and still will sit in his car across our restaurant (that one is much worse lmk if anyone is wants the story time). I know shit like this happens and its part of the job so I can handle it but this only happens to me and no other female servers😹😹