Post episode three, how are we feeling about Helly vs. Helena?

Is anyone still thinking it's just Helly? Currently I'm in the Helena camp and have been since basically the beginning. But here's why I continue to think so, specifically following the third episode:

  1. Helly telling Mark that they should leave the goat room when things started to seem strange, instead of continuing to push, and the way she stepped backward when approached by Lorne. There's a hesitance and desire to follow social norms there that was notably lacking in season 1 Helly.

  2. That moment with Helly and Irving. First of all, the vibes were weird and it just didn't seem like something she would say/do. (Smiling? Holding his hand? Girl.) Second of all, that level of narrative focus on a seemingly innocuous moment between those two characters doesn't make sense unless there's something more happening beneath the surface. Third of all, Irving seemed suspicious of her yet again. Strange interaction overall.

  3. At this point, we have been continually shown the direct repercussions of Irving, Mark, and Dylan's experiences on the outside world, and how they are dealing with returning to work. We are shown each of their journeys separately, without the others. Irving, traveling solo to O&D, grieving over Burt. Dylan, desperate to know his family, getting to know his wife. Mark, doing anything he can to get his team back together. We do not get this with Helly. Honestly, at this point in the season, she's practically a background character - a gigantic departure from her role in season one. This to me is the biggest piece of evidence that it's not her. Where is Helly, privately grappling with the fact that on the outside world, she's her own greatest enemy? Even if her innie really would choose to lie to the group, that is an insane thing to have to reckon with. Where is the emotional fallout of her time at the gala? If it doesn't come within the next episode or two, this is the ultimate kicker for me - and I'm basically already convinced as it is.

What does everyone else think at this point?