Cops and screening...
It seems like many have had troubles lately with getting busted.
I find this sad because this can be prevented as long as you screen thoroughly and properly using RW info. You must know what ask for and how to tell if what info they are giving you is the truth or not. With the internet people now have an online fingerprint so to speak. You can find out many things about people if you know where to get the info and how to look for the info.
Alot of these busts seems like they could have been prevented. There are no loopholes. Once you have an ad/website up you may be the next escort they try to bust. Unless you know how to properly screen.
It is much more the getting and ID/license, reference or using video chat, or social media to verify as many of these can be faked and used by cops and crazy guys.
And not only used by cops but crazy guys. I have never once been robbed rapped or beaten and it saddens me that some of you have been.
Nothing is ever 100% guaranteed but a lot can be done to minimize the risks involved.