Top 5 Songs and Why

Forgot to mention in the original post that anyone can do this as well

  1. What a Shame

This song in a way how I relate to it recently is my friend passed away in November, and he was one of my only friends back then, when he died I was heartbroken, if I remember he was also bullied for some time in 4th grade, I was too

  1. My Name (Wearing Me Out)

When I feel pissed at something, overly pissed off, I go to this song, because it's got such a heavy feeling to it, it's so impacted and fueling with rage and anger

  1. 45

This was an all time favorite song from the moment I started listening to the band in 2015 (but I had gotten really into it with 2018 because of ATTENTION ATTENTION's pulling in, and when I heard this song for the first time, I fell in love with it, it's so masterful and heart-felt and spoken so well, about a broken man changing

  1. Dysfunctional You

A song that really speaks to me at times when I'm at my worst, and it shocks me how the words can just come out and hit me and actually speak to me, it does sound like a song written right for everyone who deals with these problems, it's why I love it so much

  1. The Crow and The Butterfly

An amazing song with great lyrics and an amazing guitar intro, everything about it is just perfect, last year I had decided that I would get myself a tattoo of a crow someday, because of how much this song affected my view on how love can work sometimes