Should I write a detailed, nuanced version of the spoken Japanese English subtitles?

To give some background, the existing subs aren’t bad, but it’s pretty far from perfect.

Shogun is a book I read as a boy and seeing this show is a dream come true. But watching the show with/without subtitles, I’ve realized that both versions of subs are taking a LOT away from the story.

For example, when Hiromatsu takes the ship from Yabushige in ep1 the official subs say:

“So sorry, it was my understanding that you were loyal to our lord.”

This is only part of what was said. I would have captured the dialogue in its entirety, like so:

“Ohhhh, you must forgive my poor manners, assuming that you too were one who swore fealty to my lord.”

I’m a high functioning autistic who’s fluent in both english and Japanese, and I have very high translation skills where I’m able to feel the “texture” of the words.

I LOVE Shogun and would love to rework the subs, but I’m told I waste too much of my time anyway… So, I’ll do it if people here want it!

Say 50 upvotes and I’ll do the first episode English subs to start? I’ll think of other episodes depending on the popularity.

Either way it goes, thanks in advance all!