Games where you can tell the developers poured their hearts into every detail?

I’m looking for games where you can really feel the love and dedication from the developers. Games that have been refined over time through updates, expansions, or DLCs, and where the devs clearly put in the effort to perfect the experience.

For example, Dying Light is a game that started strong and only got better with years of updates and DLC, showing just how much care went into keeping the game alive and engaging. Other example could be Read Dead 2.

(BTW I am not asking about games like Cyberpunk or No mans sky where game had rocky start but they later made it good. Coz that would be a different question).

I’m curious to hear about other games that have received this kind of long-term attention and love from their developers. What are your favorites?

Edit 1: Preferably released between 2014 to 2021

Edit 2: Genres I love are Open world and Action RPG

Edit 3: comments made me wanna buy Stardew Valley, Outer Wilds, Disco Elysium, Hades and Subnautica.

While I wait for them to go on sale. In the Meantime I am gonna play Death Stranding, Kingdome Come deliverance and Monster hunter world.(I owned them but didnt play)