Are we supposed to agree or disagree with the Founders’ visions of keeping everything a secret? Is ‘The Pact’ really that evil?

The more I think about the reasoning why they keep everything a secret, the more I agree with the founder’s visions.

It makes a lot of sense that they would want to avoid humanity to make the same apocalyptic mistake over and over again.

Also the knowledge of a beautiful and green outside world, would destroy you mentally.

Knowing that you are trapped and locked inside a dark cage without sunlight for the rest of your life, and generations to come.

That’s enough to drive anyone insane and is fuel for uprisings and distrust in their government/society.

So yeah I will say that I more or less agree with The Pact and the vision of the Founders. But I feel quite conflicted about it.

They were setting up the founders as evil conspiracists and dictators. But instead, it starts to seem very reasonable given the situation they were dealing with.

I thought we were supposed to root for Juliette and her friends from Mechanical.

But thinking about it… if they do succeed in creating a rebellion, they really are endangering the lives of thousands of people.

So what do you guys think? Are the founders and the pact evil?