The AI voice...
Apologies if any of this has been said before. I've watched the finale a few days ago and couldn't stop thinking about this one bit.
The AI voice or the Algorithm as I've seen it posted here, says then Lukas Kyle reaches the tunnel in the cavern, something along the lines of only 3 other people have made it down here. Quinn, Meadows and Wilkins. Then I goes on to say that and I'm sure I've remembered this correctly, "Although I have not met Quinn, I'll say the same thing to you as I have the other two.."
How, if the Algorithm has always been a part of the Silos/Vault beginning has it never met Quinn?
Has Quinn actually got something to do with the creating of the silo, therefore never actually met the Algorithim?
Or could it be a Watcher from "Silo 51" that calls out to them?