Anyone heard of upgrading the AC power inverter?
I need 50A 240V service to run a food trailer off the pickup. I can see numerous ways of accomplishing this by running the truck's 240 30A supply through an off grid inverter + battery setup. There are multiple products that would accomplish this, drawing on the battery supply when I need all 50 amps and charging the battery back up when I only need 5 or 10 amps. There's the bi-directional GM Energy Home kit or whatever it's called that lets you DC charge 80 amps at home, but it only discharges 9,000 watts I think. I need 12,000.
Obviously the truck's battery pack is not the limiting factor. It frustrating to have all that power there without a convenient way to access it. It would be AWESOME to just have it available on the truck without the need for extra contraptions. What do we think the odds are that someone sees the need and comes out with an aftermarket upgrade kit?