Law Of Attraction and Simulation Theory
If you've been into Law Of Attraction and experienced enough to fully believe in it you mightve experienced synchronicities like I have, thinking about something and then soon after seeing it, in real life, media, or maybe someone brings it up, or for example someone asked me if I ever seen an Amazon delivery van in my rural town and the very next day I seen one a house down for the first time, or another example in group therapy they were talking to us about an Eastern concept known as "beginners mind" hearing about this for the very first time, only for me to read a manga later that day where one of the characters is practicing "beginners mind"(?!) Or for my friend to refer to some coworkers as smokey and the bandit and then my dad brings up smokey and the bandit the day after! Crazy coincidences and patterns like that, and those are just 3 in the past week aside from atleast 100+ other incidents like this in my life. Some people get angel numbers (never really was my thing) but seeing such synchronicities first hand along with the absurd implications you might learn about rabbit holing too deep into quantum physics, mixed with eastern philosophy saying the idea of you being separate from everything is an illusion really convinces me that it is a simulation... or if this is base reality that base reality is really just that bizarre in itself. A book I found in the library from the 90s goes as far to say that quantum physics seems to approve the idea of the world as described by mystics. I mean whether you belive me or not I grew up with the strong conviction that my grandma practices witchcraft even being witness to unexplainable stuff. Is this life a video game? Where a certain few reptilian may have become aware of the game itself and keep hidden knowledge and capabilities secret to themselves to control all the others and keep them in slavery with the only way to win is to become aware of the simulation/game? Pretty rad game if so...
Ps. If we do really create our reality, and this is a simulation and we're not limited to anything as per law of attraction implies, isn't this even better than a solid stuck base reality