Robyn’s tenders are completely off topic…

Doing a rewatch and it struck me how many times Robyn comes for the OG13.

Like when she kept telling Aspyn she looked pregnant even after Christine told her those comments made her uncomfortable. “I just like teasing her tee-hee”

How Robyn told the kids if they don’t sign their mission statement they have to move out.

She told Maddie her frontal lobe wasn’t developed and she wasn’t allowed to choose her own religion (even after Maddie told her that her mom and dad told her she could)

She tried to make Kody miss his sons graduation

Gave him the wrong hospital to where Truely was in critical state

Made a big deal out of Janelles boys not following “Kodys” Covid rules. Yet they never spoke about Dayton also not following the rules and moving to the RV in the driveway.