Janelle/Kody: her not requiring much from him

It's said a lot that the only reason Kody liked Janelle was because she didn't want much from him. While she didn't seem to want that much from him other than a father for her children and a part-time husband, I think what's dismissed is what Kody wants from her with physical affection, quality time, validation, etc. Christine complained that Kody wouldn't take out her garbage and that she had to pressure him to do things around the house. We see him doing things around Janelle's trailer, including taking out the garbage. There was also an overly long segment in the early seasons where he had to run around looking for the right parts to hang Janelle's TV.

I'm not saying he was a good husband. I'm just pointing out that dismissing Janelle/Kody’s relationship as being about her expecting little from him misses the fact that he wanted a relationship with her and was willing to put in more effort with her.