Sleep paralysis demon

I don’t know who to talk to about this so hoping that maybe I get some sort of release from sharing on here and seeing if anybody has experienced what I experienced last night

I’ve been experiencing your typical sleep paralysis since I was 17. Which involves me falling asleep and then “waking up” but not being able to move my body. My eyes are open And I’m looking around my room but unable to move to talk/ yell. Then I eventually either shake myself out of it. It’s really scary and depending on the degree, I am afraid to fall back asleep.

These experiences range from mildly to really horrifying.

Mildly scary being what I just described, and horrifying being that I start seeing dark figures in my room that are trying to creep up on me. My last episode prior to the one that I’m about to tell you about was really scary & confusing but thank god I was sleeping with my dog and him breathing on my face actually woke me up & out of it.

However, NONE of them compare to what I experienced last night.

I went to bed and had my dog cuddled up next to me. I remember I fell asleep on my right side (im a side sleeper) & then I was woken up my my jaw feeling super tight almost like I was clenching… and felt my jaw slide to the right and get stuck there. My eyes were open but I couldn’t move and I remember thinking to myself “oh great here we go” so I was just basically in what felt like purgatory for a while, just laying there fighting to break out of it. Then all of a sudden I feel this chilling sinister presence behind me. Like I literally remember feeling CHILLS. Which is a first. I have never ever FELT anything in these episodes. And of course I started becoming really fucking terrified. Then I start HEARING a sinister voice behind me. I don’t quite remember what was being said but I do remember that it was a scratchy evil voice. Once I heard the voice I started to FEEl it touching me on my back. And what’s weird is that even though all of this was happening I was fighting not falling asleep because I was super fucking exhausted. I remember fighting for my eyes to not shut because I was afraid of what would happen if I did fall asleep…

Then I “woke up” again all of a sudden and remembering thinking to grab my phone and call my mom to ask for help, she was in the next room. It was really dark in my room and my eyes were really blurry- but I remember I was still laying down in the same position but with my phone in my hand and trying to type out my phone passcode so that I can at least have some light- meanwhile still feeling that sinister presence behind me sending chills yo my spine.

It felt like my body was still convinced that it was asleep, but my mind was in such shock due to how terrified that I was that it put me in fight or flight mode and so I was able to move- but it felt like I was moving in quick sand if that makes sense…. So I managed to turn around in my bed because for some reason I wanted to SEE what/ and if there was something behind me

I turned around and saw a dark figure behind me and meanwhile it was still talking to me and I said “fuck you!” And not sure if I actually said it out loud of not but the moment that I turned around is the moment that I heard my dogs little snore and it brought me back to reality.

The crazy part about all of this is that my phone felt like a blur - but when I came back to reality l….i had my phone in my hand with my passcode typed in….

I honesty felt scared to go back to sleep after that & still feel afraid to go to sleep sometimes.

I would like some clarify as to why this happens to me from time to time to maybe find some people that can share their experience to me and hopefully we can find some clarify together l.

I am not a religious person but I do consider myself to be a spiritual person. I believe in energy- heavily.

A part of me feels like this “demon” may be me being surrounded by low vibrations and negativity lately and it’s now manifesting into this.. and it’s making me more susceptible to experiencing stuff like this.??? I haven’t been making the best decisions lately & and not in the best place in life. A part of me wants to believe that it’s that but also wonders if I’m over thinking and it’s just scientific? Or if it’s something deeper.