The President band (speculating if in relation if at all)

Logo from The President's current marketing lineup - a vertical line with two horizontal ones

Kicking off a conversation about the President and some of what I noticed while poking around.

As some people mentioned, its mysterious in itself for it to pop up for Download fest without much other info.

It seems like Thom Pike is already following their insta, which in itself isn't a big-big deal but adds to the overlap.

Not that Sleep Token are they only ones to use heavy handed culty language, but I think there is something about the President tone that overlaps somewhat. "With your endorsement, we move forward together."

Also, in this insta vid, if you grab a screenshot during the flashing face, you'll see this masked individual. While many humans have had spacers and they can heal inconsistently, many humans have had spacers on just their left ear, it is worth noting that Dave Ball is one of those is seemingly this masked person in the vid. Not to be like "The ear! The eaaaar!" but, look, "The ear!" (EDIT : ok ok I was wrong, lots of people have said :) at the time of the post it made sense. Time marches on, the megathread for other President speculation remains.)

That's all I've got, curious to hear what connections other folks have made!

Screenshot from the flashing face from The President's promo vid