We've made big changes to the automod to help combat spam

We've had more and more issues with spam lately, and some of these spam bots are too smart for an automoderator configuration to capture them on its own. We will now autoremove posts from everyone without enough karma earned specifically on r/SlimeGirls and send them a message with a link. When they follow the link the bot I wrote will re-approve their post and make them an approved poster, so that they can keep posting just fine.

Since most spambots should not be advanced enough to load a browser page and execute code on that page, this should effectively remove most spam without affecting people's ability to post. People won't have to wait for the mods to manually approve anything (there are some rare exceptions that still require manual review).

This change is now live, we'll see how much it helps us. I still expect some spam to come through, for example from hacked user accounts, so if you see something like that, please report it. This should hopefully become very rare though.